This law is known to hold true for galaxies at a distance of at least several billion light years. 据知,这条定律同样适用于距离至少几十亿光年之远的星系。
You then check if this field has any value at all or is not numeric, and, if either of these conditions hold true, you return an error. 您要检查这个字段是否没有任何值或者不是数字的,以及如果出现这两种情况中的一种,您应该返回一个错误。
These statistics hold true for many types of communities. 这个数据比例适用于许多类型的社区。
The first is-a, which means that all parameters must hold true for a file to be displayed. 第一个是-a,它表示当所有的参数都为真时,才显示这个文件。
But no matter what type of project you're talking about, certain principles hold true. 但是不论您正在讨论的是什么类型的项目,都适用必然的原则。
While this doesn't hold true for every single situation, it's a good principle to keep in mind. There are probably some areas in your life where you're expending a lot of effort for negligible results. 尽管这一原理不是在任何条件下都能成立的,但是的确值得你牢记,因为在你生活中的某些方面,你可能就花了大力气却只得到了微不足道的成果。
And I believe that the same will hold true for the Arab world. 我相信,阿拉伯世界也会同样如此。
But if this is the case, then why doesn't the same hold true for men? 但如果是这样的话,那为什么对男人而言就不同了呢?
Some bankers, however, caution against assuming the spin-off and list pattern would hold true this time round. 不过,部分银行家警告说,不要想当然的认为这次的分拆上市模式能推而广之。
This conclusion, however, did not hold true in Latin America, South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. 然而,这一结论对拉美、南亚和撒哈拉以南的非洲来说不成立。
Biting your nails: Experts believe the same argument could hold true for nail biting. 咬指甲:同样的道理,专家认为咬指甲也有好处。
The same may also hold true for vulnerable children& those with emotional and neurodevelopmental disorders. 暴力游戏可能对某些情绪化和神经发育障碍的孩子造成影响。
But not everyone is convinced this will hold true this year. 但并非所有人都相信今年的情况也将如此。
Can you think of examples, in the enterprise or otherwise, where these aspects hold true aswell? 你能举出企业或者其他地方的例子,同时具备所有这些方面的吗?
Yes, it has worked for many years, but how do I know that gravity always hold true. 对,它是已经存在了很久了,但我怎么能断定万有引力将一直存在下去?
We hold true to the product quality first, customer-focused purpose and dedication to provide quality services to you. 我们秉承产品质量第一,客户至上的宗旨,竭诚为您提供优质服务。
Similar results hold true for the amounts used of the three materials. 这种类似结果也适用于三种材料的使用量上。
But this relationship between growth and return does not appear to hold true at the individual country level, either in developed or emerging markets. 但经济增长和投资回报率之间的关系似乎并不适用于单个国家,无论是发达市场还是新兴市场。
Does the same thing hold true in lndia? 这和印度语言发音是一样吗?
In this sense, the words of Friedrich Nietzsche still hold true today. 从这个意义上讲,弗里德里希尼采的话今天仍然是正确的。
The principle of equality cited in this book does not hold true in that part of the world. 他书中的平等原则在世界那一地区并不适用。
It's a fact about our minds that doesn't hold true for many other creatures. 它是我们心理营造的事实,对其他的生物并不适用。
Even though technology has changed the way we interact with friends, basic relationship principles still hold true. 虽然新技术改变了我们和朋友交流的方式,基本的人际关系准则仍然适用。
The same rules hold true if the exception is thrown from a static field initializer. 如果异常是从静态字段初始值设定项引发的,也存在同样的规则。
Nobody knows when these assumptions hold true. 没有人知道这些假设何时是正确的。
If this bomb hits, the opposite will hold true. 如果真的爆炸了,会得到相反效果。
But then there are certain extreme examples, like when the brain shuts down, that we see that this assumption may no longer seem to hold true. 但在某些极端情况下,比如大脑关闭了,我们发现很可能这个假设不再是正确的了。
EXAMPLE: The rules our parents lived by still hold true today. 例句:我们的父母生活的规则到今天依然管用。
This may hold true for the constellation of "evil law and good judge". 这对于“恶法和好法官”的结合可能含有真实性。
In other words, the conventional wisdom that more inventory leads to less stock outs does not hold true. 换句话说,存货越多,存货短缺情况越少的传统观念是不正确的。